Hello, I'm Andrea, your Nutrition and Macro Coach!

Navigating the vast sea of information on food and exercise can be overwhelming. It's easy to feel lost amidst conflicting advice, failed diets, and the frustration of not seeing desired results despite efforts in the gym.

I understand this struggle firsthand. After four children, a c-section, and dealing with diastasis recti, I found myself caught in a cycle of worrying about food and feeling guilty for indulging in treats. Despite my efforts in exercise, I never achieved the toned, strong body I desired.



At 35, I made a decision to change my approach. I delved into the world of macros and discovered how they could not only boost my energy levels but also help me build muscle, balance my hormones, and address gut health issues. Instead of depriving myself, I shifted my mindset to view food as fuel for my goals.

Over the past seven years, the knowledge and tools I've acquired have enabled me to achieve my ultimate aspiration: resembling and performing like a top fitness athlete. Additionally, proper nutrition played a pivotal role in my year-long recovery from multiple injuries sustained in a helicopter crash during a Grand Canyon tour. Despite months of rehabilitation, surgeries, and hospitalization, I was able to implement a straightforward plan to maintain my weight and focus on regaining my health and strength.

Now, I'm here to help moms like you break free from the cycle of dieting. I'll guide you through the simplicity of nutrition, empowering you to reach your goals, build strength and confidence, and most importantly, live a life free from the shackles of food guilt.